Soooo... after lot of hard work, and a lot of being told by other OSCP alumni to "Try Harder", I eventually made the grade third time round. This certification is easily the toughest I've ever taken. The amount of self study and practice required to pass is huge. Even after three exhausting full-length 24 hour exams, I actually regret that the whole experience is now over. The good news is that I now have a solid foundation on which to build my own further study and research into pen testing, and no intention of stopping. Pen testing is officially a hobby for me now, but I will be taking a year out from any such studying. The drain on my personal has just been too much, going into OSCP straight after an MSc. Give me a year out and I will look at the next step on the OffSec training ladder, which I believe is OSCE or OSEE.
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